In 1990, the Lions of MO Dist. 26-F voted to start the “All-Star Basketball Classic”. A committee was formed and guidelines were laid out. They were: Players will be graduating high school seniors, they would be from high schools from within the Lions District 26-F and they would be nominated by their respective coaches. At that time, they had two boys teams (Purple team & Gold team) and two girls teams (Purple team & Gold team). These teams consisted of twelve players per team.
Then selected coaches were contacted and asked if they would coach the teams. The need was for four head coaches and four assistants. The assistant coaches were asked to come back, the following year, as head coaches. Once the coaches were selected, they were invited to a dinner to draft the players into teams. If any of the coaches had a player on the list, that player was on his/her team. If a coach had a player, that team sat out the first round of the draft. Once all the teams had equal numbers, the draft continued on a rotation basis until all the players had been selected.
The selected players were then contacted and asked if they could/would play in the Classic. If the invitation to play was declined then an alternate was contacted. After all the teams were in place the players and coaches were sent a letter as to times and places; of arrival time, dorms, practice, first night activity, breakfast, family lunch and game time. The letter included suggested game attire and what we expected of them: such as handing us their car keys, during their stay.
The decision was made, that the proceeds from the game went to all participating clubs in increments of $400.00 to enhance their scholarship programs. This was done through a drawing. The drawing was set up by region and participating club names were put in “the hat” and drawn on a rotation basis. The drawing continued on a yearly basis until all the clubs were drawn and the process started all over. The District also donated $2,000.00 to the Audio Reader program every year.
The games are always played on the first Saturday in June. The first Classic was played in 1991 on the Missouri Western Campus in St. Joseph. Later the games were moved to the Northwest Missouri Campus in Maryville. During this time, we only played two games, a boys Purple & Gold and a girls Purple & Gold. The players were asked to join us on Friday to check into the dorms, practice and a night activity, on us. On Saturday morning we furnished breakfast, some practice time and then the players’ families were invited to join us for lunch. After lunch the players had some free time to spend with the family and the All-Star Classic was played that evening.
Monies were raised by selling ads for the program book and a 50/50 drawing. All the clubs were asked to sell ads for the players. To be a participating club, the club had to buy an ad, help the player by selling ads, be on the basketball committee or help during the games. By doing one of the above put your club into the scholarship drawing. This continued for seventeen years, until 2009.
In 2009, some drastic changes were made. The state of Missouri went through a Lions District change. During this change our old District 26-F stayed intact, however they added several clubs and the District doubled in geographical size. At that time, we became part of the new District known as 26-M4. We also grew in the number of high schools that we serve. The Basketball Committee faced a challenge. After several meetings and discussions, it was decided to change the Classics format. In order to give the increased number of players, that deserved a chance to play in the classic, we increased the number of players and the number of teams. We now need forty-eight players and eight teams. Hence the boys Purple, Gold, White and Black teams and the girls Purple, Gold, White and Black teams. Along with the increase of eight more coaches. We went from two games in the evening to eight games all day long.
After more discussion, we decided to venture out of the box and check with our options as to where to play the games. We talked about holding the Classic at various high schools. The biggest challenge was where to house the players and coaches. We kept whittling our options and it came down to Missouri Western, Northwest Missouri or North Central Missouri College. Because of the geographic location of the NCMC campus, we chose them. One of the wisest decisions we ever made. The school’s staff bent over backward to accommodate us. Therefore, the first annual All-Star Basketball Classic for Lions District 26-M4 was held in the Ketcham Community Center on the campus of NCMC in 2009.
The players are still asked to report on Friday morning. They are assigned to a dorm room, introduced to their coaches followed by lunch and practice time. That evening we hold a banquet, parents and families are welcome to join us, at a cost to them. The players and coaches are our guests. After dinner the coaches introduce their teams and game jerseys and program books are issued to each player.
Saturday starts off with breakfast for the players and coaches. The games start at 9:00 a.m. and last until the boys championship game is over. This usually lasts well into the evening.
Proceeds are raised through ads for the program book, banquet tickets, program book sales, T-shirt sales and various raffles.
How long has it been played at the Ketcham Center? The first Classic to be played at NCMC (under the Dist. 26-M4 banner) was on June 6, 2009. The games that will be held on June 1, 2019 will be the 10th year at NCMC’s Ketcham Center.
How are the players chosen? The players are still nominated by their coaches. The players are drafted from this list.
Has there always been enough to field four teams? This is one of the biggest challenges that the basketball committee faces. You may start out with 24 boys and 24 girls and even enough for a few alternates. However even after the draft, you will have players that decline the invitation. We have even gone back to the coaches for additional nominations.
By PDG Lion Chuck Tripp