While Hannibal can boast that it was the first Lions Club chartered in the state of Missouri in 1917, district M4 has many clubs celebrating 70 - 80 - 90 year histories as well. The first club to be chartered in this district was Carrollton in 1922 and then 57 clubs followed with the latest charter going to Rock Port in 2011.
Lions all over the district have a heart for service to their communities. Many have made significant contributions to their area over the years with building park shelters, community buildings, purchasing playground equipment, and the list goes on. These clubs are still active today with various projects and are only limited by their imaginations. For larger projects, multiple clubs combine to do great things (such as the Freedom Rock project). Think about a few of these -
This district also had a member from a club become a puppy raiser for Leader Dogs for the Blind.
Lions of the district have the opportunity to share what they do at the regular district cabinet meetings and others may be inspired to take some of those ideas back to their own clubs and communities.
District 26-M4 Lions are willing to help and serve - just Ask One.