Maryville Pride, Maryville Host, Graham, Hopkins, and Pickering Lions Clubs Join Together to Place Freedom Rock in Franklin Park, Maryville
In 2016, these five clubs came together to form the Nodaway County Freedom Rock Committee. The first Freedom Rock was created by Ray Sorensen and is placed in Adair County, Iowa. Sorensen was looking to expand the idea to all 50 states and the Maryville Pride Lions Club stepped up to make the initial deposit to start the project. The remaining four clubs contributed not only their money but efforts to gain support throughout the district for this project.
Sorensen painted patriotic symbols as well as images of local agencies who put themselves in harms way for citizens, such as police, firefighters, and ambulance crews. The 30-ton boulder was moved to the park and is surrounded by flags of many states, POW/MIAs and all six branches of the US military as well as the National Guard.
Many purchased pavers to surround the rock honoring and memorializing family and friends to finance the project.