Set your calendars to be in Chillicothe at the Comfort Inn & Suites on March 16th & 17th, 2018!
The district convention for our district is to take place on March 16th & 17th, 2018.
Friday, the 16th, is the hospitality night. That is the night that clubs bring their signature dishes to share and mingle with other Lions and have a chance to meet the speaker for the next day's convention - International Director Nicolin Carol Moore from Trinidad.
Then, on Saturday, the 17th, the convention will begin with donuts and coffee during registration and have a chance to reconnect with familiar faces. The convention will contain various reports and words from our guest.
Come and hear what is happening around the district and network with other Lions. Learn what programs are available and how to access information from Lions Clubs International. This year, there is information and training regarding Kids Sight.
We look forward to seeing YOU!