ALERT Trailer Loaded and Ready to Work
ALERT Update - June 8, 2019 - by Lion Jeanne Montgomery
The District 26-M4 disaster response trailer was taken to Mound City, MO to be used at the flooded housing complex, Evans Circle.
The housing complex was a complete loss. Residents lost almost everything and had no insurance for replacement compensation. Ed and Jeanine Montgomery, Jerry and Della Watkins, and Duane Nauman were the Lions from District 26-M4 that helped. Ed and Jeanine gave $250 worth of hygiene kits to the Church where some of the displaced residents were being housed. We provided rubber gloves, and hand sanitizer to volunteers. We each contributed 10 hours of our time helping residents empty out their units. Then we assisted with loading the damaged household items into front loaders to be hauled away for a total of 50 man hours.
The trailer was initially deployed to go to Big Lake, MO but the roads were inaccessible. Most flooded areas cannot be helped at this time due to water levels need to come down before we can get into the homes to clean.
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The ALERT trailer for Lions 26-M4 was a goal for PCC Lion Ron Campbell while he was governor. Knowing that this district has seen multiple tornadoes, snowstorms and flooding in recent years, he applied for a grant from Lions Club International Foundation to purchase a trailer and contents for when a community in the district had been a victim of a disaster. The trailer contains shovels, rakes, tents, a grill, a generator, chairs, brooms,tables, coolers - all ready to be hitched up and moved into an area, ready for Lions to serve the people who need them.
The ALERT trailer, once purchased, Lion Carol Deters from Lions District 26-M3 traveled from Bowling Green to attache the lettering and Lions decal to the 12x6 trailer. Then on a chilly winter Saturday, members of St Joseph South Side Lions gathered to place and secure the equipment inside. The trailer is ready to move. While we hope we never have to use it, the trailer is ready to serve the district.