Did you know that LCIF turns 50 years old in 2018? And since that time, over 13,000 grants totaling more than $1 billion for youth, sight, disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts.
Over the last 50 years, LCIF, through its various partnerships and donations, has been at the forefront during disaster relief efforts, sight concerns, youth topics and many humanitarian endeavors that improve the lives of people around the world. Here are a few highlights from the beginning:
1972 – First grant issued of $5,000 to flooding issues in South Dakota
1973 – Melvin Jones Fellowship created
1985 – Major catastrophe grant of $50,000 to earthquake relief in Mexico
1986 – Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship created
1991 – SightFirst
2001 – September 11 Disaster Relief Fund raises over $3 million
2001 – Partners with Special Olympics
2005 – $5 million for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts
2008 – LCIF & Habitat for Human for Humanity partnership builds its 1000 handicap accessible home
2012 – One Shot, One Life measles initiative with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2011-2017 – consecutive years with a 4-Star rating from Charity Navigator for effective fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency
And now, LCIF has begun addressing and educating people worldwide regarding diabetes – the 6th leading cause of death. Also people with diabetes are at risk of losing sight due to diabetes eye disease. It is the leading cause of new-onset blindness in many countries. Diabetes can lead to other possible complications, including heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, leg amputation, and nerve damage.
When your district LCIF coordinator approaches you for a donation, consider all the people your donation can touch to improve their lives. No donation is too small when it is joined with others.